Technologies To Help Make Your Business Conference Successful


• Video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, and Skype for Business can help connect virtual participants in real time.

• Webcasts and live streams are great for connecting with a broader audience. This allows you to broadcast to unlimited viewers.

• Event apps provide all the essential information attendees need in one convenient place.

• Utilizing social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram can help increase engagement before, during, and after the event.

• Automation tools help streamline the registration process and provide real-time analytics on attendee engagement.

Hosting a successful business conference can be difficult, especially if you don’t have the right technology. From virtual meetings to video conferencing, there are many tools available that can help your business conference run smoothly and efficiently. Here are a few technologies you should consider when planning your next business conference.

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is one of the most essential technologies for hosting a successful business conference. With a video conferencing platform, you can host virtual meetings with remote participants from around the world, reducing travel costs and allowing everyone to stay connected in real-time. Here are the top video conferencing platforms you should consider for your business conference:


Zoom is one of the most popular video conferencing platforms available. It offers crystal clear HD audio and video, secure end-to-end encryption, and powerful scheduling capabilities. Plus, it’s easy to use and can be used on any device.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a cloud-based collaboration platform designed for businesses of all sizes. It offers audio and video calls, chats, file sharing, and collaboration tools, making it easy for teams to stay connected no matter where they are.

Google Hangouts

Google Hangouts is a free platform designed for remote team meetings. You can easily create virtual meeting rooms, share files and photos, and even record your sessions for later review.

Skype for Business

Skype for Business is an excellent option for businesses looking to host large conferences. With Skype for Business, you can easily connect with up to 250 people on different devices and locations. It also provides advanced features such as screen sharing and instant messaging.

By choosing the right video conferencing platform for your business conference, you’ll be able to connect with participants from around the world in real-time and ensure a successful event.

Webcasts and Livestreams

If you’re looking for a way to reach a wider audience without having them physically attend your event, webcasting and live streaming are two great options. These technologies allow you to live stream your event or pre-recorded content to an unlimited number of viewers at any time, making it easier than ever before to reach people across multiple time zones or those who may not be able to attend in person.

Event Apps

Checking phone

Event apps can give your conference attendees access to all the essential information they need in one convenient place. From schedules and speaker bios to maps, documents, and more, an event app can provide everything attendees need during your conference without having them search through emails or printed handouts for important details or updates.

Social Media Platforms

Using social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram is another great way to increase engagement with potential attendees before, during, and after the event. You can use these platforms to share updates about speakers or activities as well as encourage discussion among participants by posing questions or inviting feedback on specific topics related to the event’s agenda.

Automation Tools

Automation tools are a great way to save time and money when it comes to planning and running your event. Automation solutions can help streamline the registration process, provide real-time analytics on attendee engagement, and more, allowing you to focus on the more essential aspects of the conference without having to worry about manual processes.

A Good Microphone


Finally, a good microphone is essential for any successful conference. A quality microphone can make sure everyone in attendance can hear clearly and that your speakers are heard clearly as well. This tool helps ensure that the event runs smoothly and allows you to capture valuable insights from your participants without worrying about sound quality.

However, you should remember that a microphone can only be as good as its speaker. So make sure to provide your speakers with the necessary guidance and information to fully utilize their microphones and deliver a successful presentation. Have them learn Poetic Voice, an effective business speaking technique that combines inspirational speaking with spoken word poetry. This will help them deliver their message more engagingly, ensuring that everyone can hear and understand what they’re saying. It also makes for a much more entertaining event – a win-win!

Hosting a successful business conference requires the right technology and tools. From video conferencing platforms to event apps and automation tools, there are many options available that can help you ensure your conference runs smoothly and efficiently.

Additionally, having a good microphone is essential for delivering an engaging presentation and making sure everyone in attendance can hear clearly. By leveraging these technologies along with Poetic Voice speaking techniques, you’ll be able to create a memorable experience for both attendees and speakers alike!

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