8 Ways to Protect Yourself and Your Small Business Online

entrepereneur checking orders online

While most of today’s technology has been used to serve the greater good, some people are out there to take advantage of it for their own gain. You have to exercise caution whenever you go online as you are not sure of the dangers that await every time you log on.

Despite the most complex privacy and protection systems provided by anti-virus products and internet service providers, like Lingo Communications, crooked people still find ways to work around the system so they can get what they want from you (or your business) and use it for their own evil plot.

8 Tips to Keep You Safe from Bad People Online


1. Make all personal information you share online professional and limited.

Keep all important personal information private. Those who need to know about your relationship status, your address, or your contact number already know about it.

Potential employers and clients do not need these bits of information to do business with you so it is best to keep these things private.

2. Turn on your privacy settings.

Marketers and hackers alike can keep track of your behavior online based on the sites you frequently visit and your social media usage. It is recommended to adjust the privacy settings of your mobile device, browser, and social media accounts and enable those privacy safeguards.

3. Browse safely.

Like in the physical world, you wouldn’t want to enter a neighborhood or choose a business location that poses plenty of danger, right? The internet is chockfull of bad and malicious neighborhoods where predators lurk awaiting their next prey.

We understand that the man or woman on the picture in a random e-mail you just got is hot, but resist the urge to click on any link, especially if it looks malicious and fishy. Better safe than sorry.

4. Use a VPN connection to secure your internet connection.

When you log on to public connections, you have no control over its security. Protect your device by using a virtual private network (VPN) connection to ensure that no one else can access or see the information you are browsing or sharing.

5. Take extra caution with the things you download.

Never download suspicious-looking apps and files, as most cybercriminals will use them to plant malware into your system.

6. Always use very strong passwords.

One of the simplest and best ways of protecting your accounts and the information in them is by using strong passwords. Keep your passwords long and use a good mix of alphanumeric combinations. It is also recommended to change your password regularly, at least once every quarter.

7. Buy online only from trusted and secure sites.

Online shopping has become a big thing over the past few years. The virtual marketplace has grown in popularity and size because it has become a convenient and time-saving shopping option. However, just like a real marketplace, con artists and scammers abound.

Anytime you make an online purchase, you need to either give your bank or credit card information — crucial information that cybercriminals would love to get their hands on.

Make sure to only visit and purchase from secure sites to avoid the risk of getting scammed.

8. Regularly update your antivirus program.

businessman working on a laptop

While most internet security programs cannot completely protect you from online scams, these can defend your computer system and your devices from malware by detecting and removing them. Make sure you install a reliable antivirus program and regularly update it.

Do not take your online security lightly. Many have already fallen prey to scammers and hackers and are paying the price for their carelessness. Do not be one of them.

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