Behavioral Emergencies: What You Should Do in this Situation

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When there is a behavioral emergency, it is essential to be calm and cautious. This kind of situation can be dangerous because it involves someone who is out of control. That means they can behave in a way that can seriously harm everyone, including themselves. And letting this happen should never be an option.

Knowing how to effectively handle a behavioral crisis is crucial so that you can assure the safety of everyone. You should carefully evaluate the situation to discern whether it is a behavioral emergency or not. That way, you will be able to take calculated actions in dealing with it.

Stay Calm and Don’t Panic

Staying calm is crucial when you are confronted with a behavioral emergency. This is because looking uneasy and even panicking can escalate the situation. It can cause the person who has a behavioral health crisis to feel more agitated and panic, too. And this can lead to them doing things that can harm others around them because they’re in a state wherein they cannot reason.

By creating a calm environment, you can also make the sufferer as calm as possible. That way, you can help them avoid being a danger to others and themselves. And you can think and act effectively to ease the situation. It will also help you effectively find ways to solve the problems present.

Give the Involved Some Physical Space

It is crucial for a person suffering from a behavioral health crisis to have a safe space. Feeling like there’s no threat around them is a significant factor to help them feel at ease as much as possible. They should also not feel like they’re being watched. This will only cause them to be skeptical about anyone who tries to calm them down.

You should exclude disruptive people from meddling or interfering with the situation. And avoid making any sudden moves that the sufferer can easily misinterpret.

Have a Plan

Planning for any emergency is a vital thing. This will include having a plan for a behavioral emergency. Your plan should involve the necessary procedures during the crisis and your responsibilities in handling the situation. You should aim to reduce any possibility of injuries and to protect the community.

It is also efficient to contact co-responders through a secure service platform and give them essential information about what is happening. That way, they can help you deescalate the situation to avoid violence, self-harm, hospitalization, or arrest.

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Facilitate Communication

Communicating with the behavioral crisis sufferer is a good way for them to vent out their frustrations. You need to use a nonjudgmental approach to help both of you understand the situation better. You must not hesitate to talk to the sufferer but facilitate the conversation while avoiding confrontation instead. Don’t argue with the sufferer because this may only lead to the situation getting worse. Also, don’t get accusatory or make them feel belittled.

During a crisis, sufferers often find it challenging to understand and remember information. So you must speak clearly and repeat what you say when necessary. It is also essential to talk directly to the sufferer and maintain eye contact. Let them know what you are doing and what to expect once help arrives.

You should remain supportive of them, but do not pretend that you see their hallucinations if there are any. You can keep them present and help them feel more in control by asking them to perform simple tasks.

Provide Honest Reassurance

When you are communicating with the sufferer, it is essential to be honest about the situation. Tell them the truth about the things that you know and don’t know. You should also truthfully answer their questions so that they can develop a sense of trust. That way, they will be more likely to follow your directions.

Use positive language, but do say things that you can’t follow through on. You should avoid over-reassuring them as much as possible. This will make them lose their trust in you. Instead, help them focus more on the positive than the negative.

Adjust Your Approach as Necessary

Quickly determining whether your approach is effective is essential when dealing with a behavioral emergency. You shouldn’t force your methods on sufferers but find a way that works for them depending on the circumstances. Through this, you can make the situation as safe as possible until it is completely diffused.

Behavioral emergencies are stressful for everyone, especially the person suffering from a behavioral crisis. After the situation has been diffused, they will most likely require intensive treatments. It will help them recuperate from any medical condition to reduce the risk of an emergency happening again. That’s why you should know how to effectively handle the situation and ease the process as much as possible.

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