Business Essentials: The ABCs of Supply Chain Management

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Businesses big and small depend on supply chain management which refers to the process flow of different products and services. This includes storage, distribution, shipment, consumption, and product development. The purpose of supply chain management is to assess the process and find ways to reduce inventory costs, production, and shipment. This is why experts need to find real-time data from each step. If you want your small business to succeed, you need to know the right supply chain management process.

1. Be transparent with the process

Due to its complex procedures, it’s inevitable to make some errors. Complications such as overproduction, miscalculations, wrong inventory and other mistakes are unavoidable. You can easily resolve this as long as you’re transparent with the whole process. After all, your objective is to find the loopholes and develop a strategy that can help the company save resources.

2. Observe cash flows

On the topic of payment technology in the context of supplier management, this is one tip that should be handled with care and delicacy. It is of utmost importance you monitor cash flows like a hawk. Understand the significance of paying suppliers and logistic companies, when to pay them, and the additional expenses that come with maintaining this delicate balance and you should be able to operate the whole thing with more purpose.

3. Monitor the performance of vendors

calculating data

Merchants can be considered the outward face of your entire operation, which can be considered an absolute honor or an unwarranted burden. If you want your whole supply chain system to be running smoothly, make sure the performance of your merchants is nothing short of excellent. To start with, you can begin giving weekly evaluations and offering constructive feedback to better improve their execution.

4. Improve returns management

Even with thorough and hawk-like management of your whole network, one should still be prepared to counter all unforeseen complications when they arise. Develop a solid reverse logistics system that can effectively handle returns, which in turn will make the whole process of remanufacturing returned goods easier and more convenient. A good returns management system is just as vital to the system as the process of getting it to the customer, if not more.

5. Keep track of your inventory

Inventory management is the most crucial process in supply chain management. A thorough rendering of every product will help you keep track of how much you have and need – as well as take notes on unexpected issues such as defects, damages, theft, etc. Make sure your staff is familiar with the system in place so they are able to perfectly log information and take part in routine assessments.

These are some of the few things to consider when conducting supply management. Again, be transparent and honest with the entire process. Otherwise, you won’t find the loopholes and make improvements.


From the time a customer even thinks of purchasing a product all the way until the said product is in their hands tangible to touch, every step is a multi-layered process. With the right tools and mindset for innovation, you will be able to improve your network in no time.

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