How to Build Your Brand Image Through Your Employees


Establishing a strong brand image does not come easy. But when done right, it can serve as the catalyst to your business’ success. This short guide talks about one of the most effective ways to establish a brand image, which is through the backbone of the company: your employees.

Here are some of the best ways you can build and enhance your brand image with your employees’ help:

1. Consider a corporate uniform

Having a company uniform has many benefits. For one, corporate uniforms or clothing help establish solidarity among employees and makes them feel good being a part of something big. More importantly, a uniform with the company logo, name, and tagline is a great way to establish your brand image to both customers and potential business partners.

Aside from helping build your brand’s identity, uniforms also provide several benefits to employees. With a uniform, your employees can save money, spend less time choosing a work outfit, and stay comfortable and safe while at work.

2. Promote your brand to the employees first

If there’s anyone who needs to know your brand image first, it’s your employees. Every time you hire a new person, make it a part of their orientation to get to know the brand inside out. After all, if they are working for your company, they should know what they are promoting. Moreover, emphasizing your brand’s image, vision and mission, and values will help make it easier for the new hire to immerse themselves in their new working environment.

For other employees, continue reinforcing your brand’s image and values to them. You can do so in a variety of ways, such as through email blasts, corporate activities, friendly competitions, and educational sessions.


3. Give out company swag

Company swag basically turns your employees into walking ads, even if you don’t have uniforms in the workplace. Wearable promotional items are a must if you want to enhance your brand image. Common examples of wearable company swag are t-shirts, baseball caps, ID laces, reusable bags, and activewear. Aside from wearable items, you can also opt for smaller promotional products such as pens, notepads, flash drives, reusable water bottles, and more.

4. Encourage social media participation

Social media is one of the most effective tools for marketing, which is why it is vital in brand image building. Your employees can help build the company’s social media presence by sharing posts, using hashtags, posting about the company, and sharing blogs on their profiles. While you can’t force them to actually do so, it won’t hurt to encourage social media participation during company events or during promotional periods.

However, remember that you must have content that is worthy of sharing. Create visually-pleasing graphics, well-written blogs, high-quality videos, and other media that employees will be more than happy to share on their personal social media accounts.

By using these strategies to enhance your brand image, which starts with your employees, you can also promote your company’s values, vision and mission, and goals within your workforce. This will motivate your employees to get better at what they do.

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