Keeping Employee Motivation High: What You Should Note


Integrating work with entertainment or other extracurricular activities can be difficult for people running a company. While the company may be big or small, most company heads always aim to try to bond and form a relationship with their employees. However, most employees treat their work completely unrelated to their lives. Understandably, most of them do. However, wouldn’t it be nice to be part of a company that treats its employees like family?

According to studies in 2019, it was found that around 42% of employees tend to value the balance between work and life. If we want a cohesive company to work for us, management and other supervisors must prioritize making sure that all employees are given the option to enjoy their work. Making the essential moves to ensure that the employees’ workplace is comfortable and stress-free is the first step to creating a wonderful relationship with everyone involved in the company.

Increasing salary is not always a straight solution to improve working conditions. Even just slightly improving company perks and incentivizing fostering good relationships between workers and managers is integral. At the end of the day, both employer and employee shall benefit from such arrangements of little improvements.

Providing Relocation Benefits

It wouldn’t be far-fetched to pitch the idea to provide a relocation benefit for your employees. The benefit would be handy for those who reside extremely far away. Some people bend over backward to reach work. However, long daily commutes can be gruesome. Sometimes, the employee will be too tired and lethargic by the time they arrive at work. Providing a relocation benefit can boost the morale and spirits of those working under you. It will greatly reduce the time it takes to get them near the office or plant. Also, providing a common area for both relocated managers and employees will improve working relationships. Providing sleeping quarters is a great plus to keep the workplace hassle-free. It will also give the workers more time to spend for themselves.

Upping the Tempo


To retain more employees, it is important to keep your salary and benefits competitive. The primary motivation for people to keep on working is compensation. According to studies, although different age groups value different motivation factors, the primary driver is compensation — most of the time. To keep away from disagreements between the managers and the employees, good compensation packages and employment benefits must be kept competitive. Satisfaction is key to wonderful two-way relationships. That way, employees will feel more empowered and motivated to go about, do their business, and maintain a healthy relationship with the company and their workmates. Benefits are also needed to boost morale and incentivize staying with the company for a long time. Make employees feel that their time is properly reimbursed.

Installing Entertainment Zones

Constructing recreational areas similar to home entertainment centers, where employees can hang out after work, is a great way to bridge that gap between work and life. An area where both employees and managers can distract themselves with a totally non-work-related activity such as watching football games will foster bonding between two different sectors of the company. You can customize the area into having a dartboard, a chessboard, and a Foosball table. Installing a PlayStation 5 can also rile up the competitiveness of all young employees. You can arrange a competition and setup teams — mixing both managerial and blue-collar workers. This way, you can nurture inter-department relationships within the company. You would not even have to hire a bowling alley for a successive amount of nights. You can do all of these in the comforts of your own office.

Building Effective Communication Channels

Lastly, the easiest thing you can do among all of these is to create effective communication channels between employer and employee. It is essential when creating a constructive work environment. Expressing honest and constructive feedback is necessary to improve output. Aside from the compensation, giving out tokens of appreciation and gratitude will make the employee feel wanted and essential as a cog. As for the employee, being allowed to express what they want without any push-back through proper communication channels is highly motivational and transparent.

At the end of the day, everyone wants the company to be successful and profitable. A successful and profitable company means higher pays for everyone. Higher pays for everyone leads to happiness and contentment for all parties. Facilitating the various methods you can improve on to boost morale should definitely be a high priority target for companies.

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