Latest Trends in Furniture Design People Might See More Of

a brochure for furniture

Furnishing a home is the most exciting part of interior decorating. Looking at new couches, accent chairs, dining tables, and more is just so therapeutic that if we could live in a furniture showroom, we would. Though furniture pieces essentially serve the same function, their attractive designs make one look better than the other.

If you sell custom-made furniture, it’s essential to stay updated with the latest furniture designs. The all-gray canvas living room sets may be bidding farewell now after being so popular over recent years. We’re welcoming color once more, as well as curved edges that used to be replaced by angular, streamlined forms. That said, here are the latest trends in furniture design we may keep seeing more of:

1. Natural Materials

As consumers learn to be more sustainable, they demand more furniture pieces made from natural materials. Plastic chairs and tables are swapped out for wood. Natural materials, after all, aren’t just renewable but also more aesthetically pleasing. They provide an organic texture to the space, resulting in a cozier and homely atmosphere.

2. Rounded Shapes

While angular and streamlined forms haven’t gone out of fashion yet, they’re now losing to rounded shapes when it comes to appeal. If you visit showrooms today, you will notice an abundance of accent chairs with rounded backs and oval desks. And by oval desks, we don’t mean an oval tabletop, but rather an oval body, so that the furniture stands on a flat surface supported by curved edges.

Rounded shapes became a hit because they improved a space’s traffic flow. Indeed, when all your furniture has pointed or rigid edges, they tend to make you weave around instead of walking smoothly. What’s more, rounded shapes are more kid-friendly, eliminating the need for cushion inserts that can disrupt a space’s aesthetics.

3. Tubular Designs

To enhance the look of rounded furniture, they can be matched with tubular pieces. Tubular furniture often comes as tables, with cylindrical legs made of recycled materials like glass bottles.

Tubes make an interesting shape that adds more visual interest to a room. And like rounded furniture, they also smooth down traffic flow and reduce risks of injury. Plus, they’re unique and eclectic, proving that spaces don’t have to be wholly uniform or minimalist to look good.

4. Heat and Spice

Now that pale gray couches are going out of style, marigolds and cinnamon are making their way to the trends. They’re composed of chestnuts, rich oranges, and warm wood shades that “bring heat and spice to a room,” as per Robin Standefer and Steven Alesch of Roman and Williams.

Come to think of it, cinnamon and marigolds are perfect fall shades. If your dated couch is still in good shape, incorporate these colors through textiles instead. Use them for your throw pillows, blankets, and rugs. Replace some of your greens and blooms with faux autumn leaves as well.

5. Laser-cut Details

Laser cutting has always been associated with dog tags and other personalized stainless steel products. But they’ve made their way into home decor, too. Beautiful laser-cut furniture showcases intricate details and patterns and adds a somewhat cultural quality to designs.

What’s more, though the machine does most of the cutting job, the designs themselves are often made by hand. The laser copies the design and applies it to the material. Hence, buying laser-cut furniture allows you to have a one-of-a-kind, valuable piece.

6. Vintage and Antique

a person repairing an antique

While contemporary designs and decor are undoubtedly amazing, sometimes, we need something “in-between” to balance out a space’s aesthetics. That’s precisely the role of vintage or antique furniture. You may think they look out of place in an otherwise contemporary haven, but surprisingly, they create appealing accents. They give us a break from the overwhelming sleekness and monochromatism of contemporary themes.

7. Woven Patterns

Geometric patterns used to be the trendy pattern in textiles and even paintwork. While they’re still appealing today, woven patterns are gaining more favor because they’re richer in texture. In addition, they come in a variety of designs, from floral to Bohemian to traditional Inca. As such, they’re unique and eclectic.

8. Crisp and Clear Colors

Another color that replaces pale gray is crisp and clear tones, such as turquoise, greens, blues, and yellows. Well, given that Pantone’s color of the year is a bright shade of yellow, it only makes sense for interior designers to make use of the color. To think that back then, colors were considered tacky, it’s fascinating to see them making a comeback and garnering positive reception. It shows that we can find comfort in livelier colors during tough times, such as the pandemic, as they remind us of the things we see in nature.

These trends may not be unheard of, but they still changed the way we view good design. We’re less afraid of color and contrasts now, making home decorating more exciting than ever.

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