Self-Improvement Suggestions to Use During Quarantine

Female hugging herself

Times are hard now that the pandemic has thrown a wrench in everyone’s 2020 plans (and sees no signs of giving a breather as the year nears its end). Being stuck indoors in your 20s can have its fair share of lows, especially if you already set your mind to “making this your year.” Quarantine doesn’t have to mean you have to stop improving yourself and equipping yourself for success, though. Whether it’s a career or personal life goals, there are tons of ways you can have positive personal development while quarantining. Here are a few you can start right away:

Take up online lessons.

There’s a lot you can learn or improve upon, and thanks to the internet, you don’t have to leave the safety of your home. You can try learning a new language or taking lessons for something you’ve always wanted to learn more about, like film or writing. You can even take on sessions that were built to improve upon skills you might already have or need to develop for your work life, like online meeting facilitation training and management short courses.

Pursue a hobby.

Hobbies can stimulate you creatively and are an engaging way to destress during these very stressful times. If it feels like you’ve got more time on your hands, why not get back to doing things you love? Recreation is just as important as hitting career goals when it comes to making yourself a well-rounded adult. Whether it’s painting or crafting DIY projects, it’s not too hard to come by supplies through online delivery, and you can do it any time you please.

Try new things.

Have you never tried baking a lasagna, playing an online multiplayer game, or doing a handstand for ten seconds? Now is the time to try it out. Whatever it is that you’ve always put on the backburner or maybe felt too chicken to try, just do it! As long as you’re safe and you’ve read instructions, there’s no reason you can’t try something new even only once or develop it into a new party trick with enough practice.

Develop an exercise routine

woman doing yoga exercises at home on floor

Don’t let your physical well-being suffer during this time, either. If you want to stay healthy and feel good even if you’re stuck inside, try out a home workout that suits your style and helps you hit your fitness goals. There’s no reason you need to pack on that dreaded “quarantine 15” and end up with aches, pains, and sluggishness. Make sure you regularly exercise as part of your schedule, and it can help you both mentally and physically, so you can come out of quarantine better than ever.

Add time for self-care

It’s okay to give yourself some pamper time, too. Maybe you want to be disconnected from the rest of the world for a while. Shut off those chat apps, steer clear of your socials, and treat yourself with a little spa moment. Aside from those extra moments of giving yourself some special treatment, make an effort to incorporate self-care into your everyday routine. That can help you feel more fulfilled and energized in a way you can maintain.

Quarantine doesn’t have to put you in a rut. Try these out, and you can still make the most of 2020 differently.

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