How Tech Innovations Revolutionize the Future of Healthcare

medical hologram

One can now say that the future of healthcare lies in the hands of different tech innovations. Before, one could only imagine receiving diagnosis and treatment through telecommunications technology. But now, we are utilizing telemedicine in the middle of the pandemic. Thanks to today’s tech and research, experts were able to create effective Covid-19 vaccines in a matter of months and not 10-15 years. All these are but evidence of how tech is changing the healthcare landscape.

One might not realize how important these latest developments are in the healthcare industry. But in reality, knowing how technology continues to shape modern healthcare is beneficial to everyone. We can start facing the future with the proper knowledge and benefit from the tech advances in the healthcare landscape.

Here’s how smart innovations are changing the future of healthcare for the better.

Measure Alternative Treatment’s Efficacy

Today’s healthcare practitioners are more open when it comes to incorporating alternative medicine when treating their patients. They now welcome alternative medicine to support their patient’s need for a more holistic treatment. But then, it can be extremely difficult to measure the efficiency of different alternative medicine treatments.

Acupuncture treatment, for instance, has been around for at least 3000 years. People use this to relieve pain and even in treating certain conditions. But up until now, its efficacy remains in question.

Researchers found a way to measure its efficacy in real-time. Researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) now use an advanced acupuncture system to track patients’ responses in real-time. This way, they can discern real-time status or objective data from the treatment.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Many people who are into gaming are familiar with VR. They can experience a three-dimensional environment while enjoying their favorite computer games thanks to VR technology. These days, healthcare professionals and patients alike are now taking advantage of VR.

Patients, for instance, can now use VR to manage their pain and experience faster recovery times. Studies show that VR can reduce labor pain. This shows that VR can help patients experience a calming environment, thus taking their focus away from the pain at the most crucial times.

Even future surgeons are utilizing VR to hone their skills in the operating table. A study shows that surgeons who trained with VR are faster and more accurate than their traditionally trained counterparts.  This can help revolutionize how future surgeons train.

Augmented Reality (AR)

an elder with VR glasses

On the other hand, AR helps healthcare professionals stay in touch with reality while enhancing their capabilities. One no longer needs to experiment on bodies to understand real-life operations. With AR, medical students get to study human anatomy with the help of technology.

Even regular consumers can use AR to save lives during the most unexpected situations. Take the AED4EU app as an example. This app helps users locate the nearest automated external defibrillators in the area. Now, those in need of AEDs can gain access at the right time.

The same goes for patients who are having a hard time describing their symptoms with their healthcare providers. Different apps are now available for different branches of medicine. These can help doctors create an accurate simulation of their patient’s symptoms and provide the proper diagnosis and treatment.

Tech-fueled Devices

These days, more people are embracing wearables and healthcare trackers. We use different apps to track our diet, workouts, and weight. Wearables make it easier to fine-tune workouts to acquire and monitor our state of health.

Such tech-fueled devices help patients and healthcare providers alike to make better decisions concerning their health. Doctors can recommend specific devices so that they can receive the vitals of their patients in real-time. Patients can use healthcare trackers to monitor their progress.

These devices help in improving our overall quality of life. These can help us stay active, keep us fit, keep us safe, and even save our lives. Wearables also help make staying healthy more fun and engaging.

Accelerated Drug Development

It is amazing how drugs are created in the modern world. Before, we relied on herbal medicine and all-around drugs that have questionable effects. These days, we can be more sure of what drugs to take thanks to the therapeutic solutions pharmaceutical companies provide to consumers.

During the pandemic, we needed effective vaccines against the Covid-19. We did not have to wait at least a decade to enjoy COVID-29 vaccines with a high efficacy rate. Technology made it possible to improve drug development.

These are just some fascinating ways tech is improving the healthcare landscape. Smart innovations make it possible to enjoy better treatments, better-skilled healthcare professionals, and other ways to improve our health and quality of life. We can expect smart innovations to continue to improve the healthcare industry in the future.

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