Digital Marketing Predictions: Trends That Will Dominate the Digital Landscape

digital marketing planning

Trends in digital marketing come and go. This gives digital marketers no choice but to keep a close watch on the latest and emerging trends. Failure to keep up with digital marketing trends and late application of the right strategies can result in your competitors getting ahead of the game.

The rapidly evolving trends in digital marketing can help you remain competitive, even if you are a business in Singapore. But the question is: what are the latest digital marketing predictions? Which ones are expected to dominate the rest of 2021 and beyond?

Programmatic Ads

Businesses will dynamically buy and place ads on apps, websites, and smart TVs. Before this happens, a publisher needs to do a lot of calling, negotiating, and manual insertion before buying ads. Programmatic advertising enables businesses to streamline the buying and selling of online advertisement spaces.

The reason is that programmatic ads make use of a sophisticated artificial-intelligence platform. AI will determine winning bids and continue publishing ads within milliseconds. This saves companies hundreds of hours worth of paperwork, negotiations, and communication between the publisher and advertiser.

Leveraging programmatic ad buying can help you enjoy many perks such as:

  • Taking advantage of unique first-party and third-party data sets
  • Gathering better customer data
  • Decreasing campaign launch time
  • Engaging the right audiences in real-time
  • Establishing  a more effective cross-device marketing campaign
  • Improving ad efficiencies
  • Boosting return of investment

Video Marketing

There’s a reason many brands, established businesses, or startups are investing so much in video marketing. Today’s consumers would rather watch engaging videos than read long posts and blog entries. Numerous statistics show how important video marketing is for today’s businesses.

Product videos are continuously helping consumers make better buying decisions. They are more than willing to spend their spare time watching videos on social media for as long as these videos pique their interests. This is one reason why TikTok is now the go-to social media platform for businesses.

Even short promotional videos can go a long way in improving brand awareness. Consumers get to learn more about a brand and its products by watching videos. Aside from TikTok, live Facebook broadcasts, Instagram stories, and YouTube videos prove to be a smart marketing investment for every business.

Conversational Marketing

You may already be leveraging the power of chatbots. But this alone won’t guarantee improved customer engagement. Today’s modern consumers want more than just intelligent chatbots immediately answering regular FAQs.

These days, consumers want real-time connections with their preferred brands. This is where conversational marketing comes to play. This is the form of modern marketing where brands can better meet consumer demands.

Conversational marketing enables your efforts to be available across platforms your target audiences prefer, using the devices they use and at the time that meets their schedule. This is since modern consumers want to communicate in real-time. This makes use of a feedback-driven model in an attempt to boost consumer loyalty and better customer engagement.

This type of marketing ultimately uses a personalized approach and conversational interfaces. You can incorporate this in your website, social media channels, and paid advertisements. You ask relevant questions related to their previous answers, extract the very information you need to keep your audience engaged.

Influencer Marketing

Influencers can create hype and amplify brands with a few simple posts. This word-of-mouth marketing proves to be an effective marketing strategy during the crisis. As we shelter in place, more consumers turn to their favorite influencers for suggestions on what products to try and which brands to trust.

Consumers trust influencer marketing more than corporate advertisements. This is since influencers are real people they trust. They value the recommendation of influencers as if their close family or friends are the ones who tried and tested the product.

When it comes to influencer marketing, we can expect the following to bring in better results:

  • Improving video content
  • Value-driven content
  • The rise of nano and micro-influencers
  • Increased focus on diversity
  • Influencers as true brand partners

Visual Search

Before, one can only search for items by typing the name of the item. Nowadays, visual search makes it effortless to find stores selling the goods you exactly need. You only need to use a photo to find whatever you need to find on the internet.

Pinterest, a visual discovery engine, now uses visual search to provide its users with a better consumer experience. Aside from getting inspiration and knowing where to find the very products you want, the platform now enables merchants to pin their entire product catalog for faster shopping.

Optimizing visual search will help you boost product discovery, thus increasing conversions. You will no longer miss a sale just because users failed to use the right keywords. This also helps reduce cart abandonment, thus boosting your ROI.

We can expect these digital marketing trends to continue making waves in 2021 and beyond. Keeping up with these trends can help you place your brand in a better position. Boost brand awareness and improve your conversions by leveraging these digital marketing predictions.

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