When Designing an Insurance Agency Website, These Factors Matter

insurance agency

In case you missed it, more people are buying insurance policies online. In a 2018 Statista survey, about 21% of individuals between 30 and 49 years old had bought insurance in the past 12 months. Meanwhile, over 15% of seniors, who may be less tech-savvy, had achieved coverage through the internet.

Getting your insurance business online is no longer just an option — it is a need. The good news is you can use a platform to design your insurance agency website. Everything that makes a site functional is already available. The platform is beginner-friendly, and it helps a company publish a site quickly.

The question is, what factors should matter when designing a site? Here are three of them:

1. Speed

In 2019 We Are Social and Hootsuite report, an average internet user spent nearly seven hours a day online. However, their attention span is brief.

An academic review in 2019 revealed that people suffer from constantly divided attention because of the influx of information. It’s difficult for one to concentrate on a specific task. In the process, they struggle with retaining information.

Compounding the problem is the fact that the internet has hundreds of insurance agency websites. If the page is slow, users can immediately close the page and move on to the next.

How fast should the page be? Companies can use Pagespeed Insights to get information. Otherwise, the download speed (or the time it takes for the page to appear) should be less than three seconds to keep users from clicking out.

2. Blog

writing a blog

Despite being in the age of social media, long-form content still wins. Industry data showed that email traffic doubled for those who blogged compared to businesses that didn’t.

HubSpot also shared that marketers who blogged were thirteen times more likely to generate a positive return on investment (ROI).

Why do blogs matter? Blogs provide the following benefits:

  • They empower customers to make smart buying decisions. When they’re happy with their purchase, they are more likely to buy again.
  • Blogs allow the brand and customers (or leads) to interact or engage with one another.
  • Companies can use blogs to spot fresh opportunities or markets.
  • They help build trustworthiness and credibility as companies can show off their expertise in the field.
  • Blogs can assist in search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

3. Lead Generation Pop-Ups

Email marketing remains one of the most powerful digital marketing tools. Data suggests that the ROI is $42 is to $1. It’s also a reliable technique to convert and retain customers.

A website design platform can extend tools for email marketing, and one of these is lead generation pop-up ads.

Granted, pop-up ads have received some bad rap over the years. They are not only annoying but are also intrusive. Malware disguised as pop-ups made it worse. It’s no surprise that many users run pop-up blockers on their browsers.

However, when done right, it can achieve a conversion rate of 3.09%, according to Sumo. At its best, the percentage can be 9.28%. Plus, it has a 100% viewing rate. It’s like one foot is already at the door.

While the conversion rate is low compared to the viewing rate, it can matter over time. Say, an insurance agency website generates 10,000 visitors a month. With these pop-ups, the site signs up at least 390 people within 30 days.

Further, assume that about 3% of these or 11 people become customers or buy an insurance policy. In a year, the agency brings in 140 individuals through pop-up ads alone.

With more people using the internet to buy anything, including insurance, agents need to have a website. But then again, what it contains and its speed is just as essential.

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