Business Edition: Keeping Up with Today’s Technology

businessman talking to the phone

It seems a bit daunting and overwhelming for businesses to keep up with new technology. After all, it seems to us that there is always new technology every time we decide to upgrade our systems. The technology we invested in a year ago can be outdated right now because of a recent version or model. It’s hard to keep up with technology as a business, but it’s even harder not to do it.

The “don’t fix what ain’t broken” methodology just won’t cut it when it comes to business and technology. Does it mean that the cash register you bought 20 years ago doesn’t need an update because it’s still working? The methodology is dubious at best. If you keep on trying to delay upgrades in your business technology, you’ll end up being overtaken by your competitors.

Know What You Need

You don’t have to buy all the new devices that you see in the market. One of the most important things you should do as a business owner is to understand your tech needs. Make a list of what you already have in the business—what works and what doesn’t. What technology helps you the most?

All businesses will benefit from having an asset maintenance management software. It gives you an idea of what is already present in the business. What kind of cloud account do you have? How about company vehicles? How many are still in good working condition? That is the kind of information you need before you decide on what technology to invest in.

Whatever kind of technology you already have in the business, make sure to be up-to-date about them. If you are using Microsoft Office in your business, follow the company for updates about how their products will affect your business. You can also get information from online sources such as CNET, TechRadar, and other tech websites.

Ask Your Employees

No one knows better how to make business processes and transactions more efficient than your employees. They understand what the business needs. Ask them what technology they need to be more productive in the office. Listen to their woes regarding how difficult it is to do inventory and how the computers are lagging all the time.

If you have a retail store and the point-of-sale machine is giving your employees and customers are a hard time, it might be time for an upgrade. What are the other things they need to make the work seamless? Do they hear feedback from the customers? What do they want?

Train Employees

employee trainingSeek out opportunities to train your employees. They may have an idea about what they need at work, but if they lack the proper knowledge, technology might make more things difficult for them. When there is a new technology in the office, make sure everyone knows how to use it. Don’t let anybody get left behind. Every upgrade should make your employees more efficient. That’s the most genuine way of knowing that you invested your money well.

Learn About Them First

Don’t dive into investing in a technology you don’t understand. Information is at your disposal. You can check the internet for plenty of reviews and other types of resources. You can read about how others are using particular software and check if it will work the same way with yours. Just because the technology is available doesn’t mean you should pounce on it.

Technology only works if the users understand its strengths and weaknesses. For example, having enabled a chatbot on your Facebook Messenger doesn’t mean you don’t have to check the responses regularly. Who knows what the bot is telling your customers? No technology is perfect. You could be losing customers rather than gaining them if you are not careful.

Use Social Media

Follow the social media pages of industry experts. From large corporations to home-based ones, follow people who you believe you can learn a lot from. You can even learn from your competitors. Businesses that are the same as yours will most likely operate within the same parameters. What are the kinds of technology that they invest in? Does it help them achieve their goals?

You can connect with these people. Ask them questions. Inquire about their experiences in running a business. You can also learn about their company culture and how technology played a role in creating that culture.

Investing in technology shouldn’t be done in a rush. Take your time before you begin planning the transition to a new device. There is no requirement for businesses to invest continuously in emerging technologies, but not doing so will hurt your business.

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