Five Underrated Marketing Tactics You Might Not Be Using


Businesses rely heavily on marketing strategies to attract and engage customers to their products or services. The division receives a lot of attention because it can be the ultimate deciding factor if your company can remain competitive in your industry. Marketing is at the frontline, engaging people and turning them into potential leads that generate sales. As a result, businesses invest a lot of resources and personnel in it. Marketing might be one of the most competitive and ever-changing business functions. Every campaign that succeeds for you might not work well for your rivals. The strategy that might be trending today might not be attractive after six months.

Marketing can be volatile, but you have a few reliable strategies that can help you. Methods like email, social media, and content marketing attract a lot of customers. However, you still have to pursue other campaigns to ensure your marketing efforts remain fruitful and continuous. Here are a few underrated strategies to try if you are running out of ideas.


The packaging process usually falls under the manufacturing division. For some companies, the logistics department handles the packaging task. While they might not be as valuable as the product itself or the delivery service, the container remains an essential part of the item. Unbeknownst to all companies, it can also be a passive but vital marketing tool. The packaging serves as a memento for customers, making it ideal for businesses to leave a lasting impression.

There are many ways where you can use packaging as marketing material. It can help you promote your company as an eco-friendly business when you use materials that promote it. The information and design efforts could also attract the friends of your consumers, convincing them to buy your products for themselves. But it can be costly for your business to pursue the packaging process. Partnering with a company offering contract packaging and labeling might be the more cost-efficient option.


Content can do a lot of things for marketing. Any strategies related to producing pages on platforms like social media or the search engine can help you attract people. Blogs, posts, and whitepapers are pieces that can make your products feel like a necessity in their lives. However, most of them might still require a little bit of convincing. Customers want to ensure that their investment will be worth it, something that statistics and analysis can do for their lives.

Infographics are a cornerstone of content marketing strategies. Providing data and information in a fun format can make the content feel visually appealing. The numbers will be the primary highlight for the infographics, giving potential customers an idea of what benefits they can expect from your product.

Video Content

video content

Most content pieces rely heavily on texts, providing people with information to read. However, visual content can be more engaging, so most blogs and whitepapers have pictures to accompany them. However, video content can take you to the next step. The strategy can provide companies with a great return of investment (ROI), which 88% of marketers claim.

The storytelling capabilities of video content can produce the same effect on people as blogs and email. In this case, potential customers do not have to read huge blocks of texts. Videographers and animators are necessary to pursue the video content strategy, but you might not have them available. Fortunately, there are marketing agencies that can take care of the task for you. However, your in-house marketing team might be the one producing the storyboard for it. The investment might be challenging, but it can be worth it when executed right.

Online Forums

Most stable marketing strategies rely on engaging in conversations with customers. Email marketing, blogs, and whitepapers are always effective when taking on a conversational tone, but it can be challenging to get people to respond. However, conversations can be an excellent way to make noise. Generating buzz can help attract more people to your products or services, making online discussion forums an ideal place for marketing strategies. Posing questions, starting debates, and creating engaging content on those platforms can help you start a community. Acting as a moderator can establish you as an expert that people can follow, especially when you provide answers to all their questions and curiosities.

Email marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, and blogs are some of the stable strategies you can use. However, bringing in these underrated methods can help you attract and engage more consumers. They might even be part of your constant strategies, especially when your marketing team can execute them properly.

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