Protecting Your Company from Threats with Advanced Technology

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Although most confidential files of companies are now in cloud storage and safely encrypted, there are still plenty of valuable documents in the office that can jeopardize operations when they fall into the wrong hands. Data is one of the most imperative resources of present-day businesses. Today, it’s almost equivalent to gold since you can process raw information into knowledge essential to your venture’s different aspects.

For example, customer profiles incorporated into your marketing strategies will boost your techniques and better appeal to your target market. Cyber threats aren’t the only ones endangering your company because once suspicious individuals step inside your establishment, they can already easily access critical data and use it in ways that can compromise your firm.

The best way to secure both your premises and assets, besides safeguarding your online platforms and protecting the files you store in cyberspace, keeping your actual office safe from various threats, whether natural or manmade, is vital. To begin proofing your operations, here are some technologies you can trust.

Barcode for Employee Entrance

With traditional offices, anyone is free to step inside as long as they have an ID. But given how hackers are crafty enough to work both in real life and behind the screen these days, you need to up your security. Barcodes and QR codes provided by the admin can help ensure that only your employees have access to your premises.

These codes work by installing QR or barcode readers in your establishment’s entrance so that there’s no need to station additional security by your doors and check identification cards one by one.

Keep It Safe From Natural Catastrophes

Natural catastrophes can also compromise the safety of your building. Disasters can strike anytime, giving you almost zero opportunities to prepare and evacuate your documents and office equipment. Rather than taking your chances, you can instead have your office built in a way that withstands or at least reduces the possibilities of incurring massive damage.

For instance, contacting floor coating manufacturers can help you protect surfaces from moisture and water damage, allowing you to save money on repairs. Constructing your building with earthquake-resistant techs, like shock absorbers and biomaterials, can also help.

Equip Doors with a Smart Lock

Although QR and barcodes can already enhance the security of your business, there’s no harm in adding another layer of protection to your existing ones.

For conference rooms housing cabinets with confidential files and quarters reserved for executive professionals, it’s best to have their doors secured with a smart lock that they can access using a pin, fingerprint, or the code embedded in their identification cards. For backup, you must also have a spare key that you can use when the locks malfunction.


Use Electrical Switches

Usually, the employees or security turn off lights and appliances and lock up the building. However, this practice can be inefficient, especially if you’re looking to use innovative techs to maintain your office space. Instead of continuing traditional ways, you can shift to more modern and practical methods by using smart electrical switches.

If you have a control room where your security department monitors live feed from CCTVs, then it’s the best location to install the central button to let you quickly turn light fixtures on or off once employees have turned in for the day.

Install CCTVs

Significantly crucial for businesses, video surveillance can help protect your employees by recording footage during and beyond work hours. This can even deter crimes. Manipulating the truth is easy without existing proof. But when you can quickly pull up videos at accurate timestamps, anyone trying to sabotage your company can face legal consequences. Theft is another type of crime that you can prevent or solve when you have surveillance in your company because you can effortlessly spot missing items and find the culprit.

Get a Sanitizing Robot

Safeguarding your premises might primarily revolve around securing confidential data, but this also includes protecting your employees. Considering how health is a threat to your personnel’s lives, you must keep your establishment well sanitized by having it cleaned regularly.

Even if most of your staff are currently working from home, it’s still essential to maintain your office space in immaculate condition so it will not be a breeding ground for bacteria. If you lack human resources, there’s a technology that can help you eliminate viruses, microbes, and possibly harmful airborne particles. Sanitizing and cleaning robots do nothing but roam around office rooms and hallways all day.

These automatons usually come with UV light and anti-bacterial spray to guarantee that no germs can escape. Switching your faucets to sensor-equipped ones is also an intelligent way to maintain hygiene since it lessens skin contact.

Protecting your premises is a difficult task that encompasses building security, cyber protection, and the welfare of your employees. Still, all of these are vital to help your company be successful.

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